Track, Evaluate, and Manage Staff Performance. Tailored for Government MDAs

Discover the 1Gov Performance Management solution - your comprehensive tool for revolutionizing how government MDA managers and leaders track, assess, and enhance team performance.

1Gov Performance Management - Flexible and Insightful tool for Government MDAs

Performance Management leverages employee skills to reward performance. This can streamline your performance processes and drive growth.

How Government Agencies can benefit from Performance Management

Promotion Management

With performance management, Government MDAs can manage the promotion of staff based on the outcomes of the appraisal process. With this, promotion will strictly be based on merit and would be fully automated.

Data Management

Performance Management securely stores individual employee data such as benefits enrollment, role change, job re-classNameification, new hires, and updating events

Appraisal Setup

Managers/Team leads of Government MDAs can automatically set appraisal periods either annually or bi-annually which is called the performance appraisal.

Job Schedule Upload

The Performance Management tool provides a common platform for different departments, units, and staff to communicate as regards performance management simplifying the process of defining reporting lines.

Reporting & Transparency

Employees can now trust Government MDAs since communication, performance, appraisals, and promotions are streamlined and are available on one platform.

Why Choose Performance Management?

Government Transparency

By establishing clear performance metrics and goals, government MDAs can provide transparency regarding their objectives and priorities. This clarity enables employees to understand what outcomes their managers are striving to achieve and how progress is evaluated.

Monitoring and Evaluation

Performance Management allows for evidence-based decision-making by providing reliable data and analytics through records management, reporting, and dashboard. 

Stakeholder Engagement

Performance Management facilitates engagement by providing avenues for feedback and collaboration between managers and employees in the performance management process, thus demonstrating a commitment to transparency and inclusivity.

Data Accessibility

Performance Management makes performance data accessible to the relevant stakeholders for informed decisions.

Trusted by MDAs, embraced by the public.

To stay innovative, my team needs to regularly reinvent its skillset. With Performance Management, I can give my team the space to learn and take the initiative. It means we can work at higher pace while staying productive.

Priscillia Nejo

Get Started Now

Eliminate the double standards, favoritism, and Godfathers in Government MDAs with Performance Management.