Ticket Management & Escalations
This ensures the tracking of the various distribution processes and their status at any given point in time. Where a process is not being attended to at the stipulated time, the ticket is being escalated to a higher authority. This ensures SLAs are adhered to.

Workflow Management
Tickets are created and assigned to the departments based on the action required. This provides visibility on the department responsible for each ticket and their current status.

Complaints Management
Tickets are grouped into queues and queue types, and every department is held responsible for certain complaints. All complaints raised by customers are monitored and managed from point of initiation to resolution by the respective departments.

Status Update
The progress of work orders are communicated using status updates, This provides information on the current state of a ticket at any time.

Resource Management
Resources are assigned tasks based on the schedule, availability and distribution network they have been allocated. This provides visibility on the utilization of each resource.
Schedule Management
This manages the shift a resource is expected to complete assigned tasks within a given period. This helps to keep resources at constant utilization.
Preventive Maintenance
The continuous smooth running of vehicles, plant and machinery is of utmost importance to every organization in the supply chain. Accountable personnel can schedule future work orders/resources for planned maintenance to ensure that the maintenance activities on plant and machinery are tracked and escalations occur when a status update is not provided.